
We present exciting research opportunities for students interested in pursuing their academic journey
in the field of computational astrophysics.

Thesis proposals offer students the chance to delve into a specific research area, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and develop their skills as future astrophysicists. Our group is committed to providing a stimulating and supportive environment for thesis research, where students can explore intriguing questions, employ cutting-edge computational tools, and collaborate with experienced researchers.


Thesis 1


Undergrad. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.


Thesis 2

Galactic Dynamics

Master. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.


Thesis 3

Star Formation

PhD. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.


Thesis 4


Undergrad. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.


Thesis 5

Galactic Dynamics

Master. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.


Thesis 6

Star Formation

PhD. Some text that describes me lorem ipsum ipsum lorem.

Within the Thesis Proposals tab, you will find a curated list of research topics that cover various aspects of astrophysics, including cosmology, galactic dynamics and structure, interstellar medium, star formation, and proto-planetary discs. Each proposal outlines the objectives, methodology, and potential impact of the research, providing a clear roadmap for students embarking on their thesis journey.

We encourage prospective students to review the thesis proposals and identify the topics that align with their interests and aspirations. These proposals serve as starting points for discussions with our group members and supervisors, enabling students to tailor their research focus and contribute to ongoing projects or explore new avenues within computational astrophysics.

Thesis research within our group offers a valuable opportunity to work closely with experienced researchers, gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art numerical codes, and contribute to the broader scientific community. As a student researcher, you will have access to resources, computational infrastructure, and guidance to support your progress and ensure a fruitful and rewarding thesis experience.

We welcome students at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate, to explore the possibilities presented in the Thesis Proposals section. Whether you are driven by a specific research interest or seek guidance in identifying a suitable topic, our group is dedicated to fostering a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment to nurture your growth as a researcher.

We invite you to explore the Thesis Proposals section, familiarize yourself with the research opportunities, and reach out to us to further discuss your interests and aspirations. Join us on this exciting journey of scientific discovery and contribute to the ever-expanding frontier of computational astrophysics.

Please note that specific requirements, guidelines, and application procedures may vary depending on your educational institution and program. We encourage you to consult with your academic advisors and follow the appropriate channels to pursue thesis research within our group.

Thank you for considering our group for your thesis research. We look forward to collaborating with passionate and motivated students as we advance our understanding of the universe through the lens of computational astrophysics