
We showcase the cutting-edge research initiatives that drive our computational astrophysics group.

Our projects span a wide range of topics within the realms of cosmology, galactic dynamics and structure, interstellar medium, star formation, and proto-planetary discs. Through rigorous investigation and innovative approaches, we aim to deepen our understanding of these complex astrophysical phenomena and shed light on their underlying mechanisms.


Project 1


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Project 2

Galactic Dynamics

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Project 3

Star Formation

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Project 4


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Project 5

Galactic Dynamics

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Project 6

Star Formation

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In the field of cosmology, we delve into the origin, evolution, and large-scale structure of the universe. Our simulations explore the formation of cosmic web structures, the behavior of dark matter and dark energy, and the imprint of cosmic microwave background radiation. By analyzing these simulated universes, we strive to uncover the secrets of our cosmic origins.

Within the realm of galactic dynamics and structure, we simulate the behavior of galaxies, studying their formation, evolution, and interactions. Through sophisticated numerical techniques, we investigate the role of gas dynamics, gravitational forces, and stellar feedback in shaping galaxies of various types. By comparing our simulations with observational data, we aim to unravel the intricate mechanisms driving galactic evolution.

The interstellar medium serves as a captivating arena for our research. Our projects focus on the dynamics of molecular clouds, turbulent flows, and magnetic fields, providing insights into the processes of star formation and the birth of stellar systems. By examining the interplay between gas dynamics, radiative feedback, and magnetic fields, we aim to understand the complex journey from molecular clouds to the emergence of young stars.

In the realm of proto-planetary discs, our projects explore the fascinating dynamics of these structures and their role in the formation of planetary systems. Through numerical simulations, we investigate the processes of planetesimal formation, migration, and the evolution of multi-planet systems. Our aim is to shed light on the intricate interplay between gravitational interactions, disk turbulence, and the emergence of planetary architectures.

The Projects tab offers a glimpse into the forefront of our research, showcasing the diverse range of investigations and breakthroughs taking place within our group. Each project represents our commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, employing state-of-the-art numerical codes and computational techniques to unlock the secrets of the universe.

We invite you to explore the Projects section, delve into the details of our ongoing research initiatives, and discover the profound questions we seek to answer. Join us on this exciting scientific journey as we strive to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and make significant contributions to the field of computational astrophysics.