Internal Docs

A dedicated space where members of our computational astrophysics group can access important
internal documents, resources, and collaboration tools

This page serves as a central hub for our group's internal communication, facilitating seamless knowledge sharing and fostering efficient collaboration among team members.


Mixtli's manual


User's guide of the High Performance Server Mixtli at INAOE.


FLASH quick start


A step by step guide to quick start using MHD code FLASH in Mixtli.


POLARIS quick start guide


A step by step guide to quick start using radiative transfer code POLARIS in Mixtli.

In the Internal Docs tab, our group members will find a range of documents and resources that are essential for our research and day-to-day operations. These may include research proposals, project reports, meeting minutes, code documentation, data management guidelines, and computational workflows. These documents are designed to support and streamline our research activities, ensuring that critical information is readily accessible to all members of our group.

The Internal Docs section also provides access to collaboration tools and platforms that facilitate communication, file sharing, and project management within our group. These tools may include project management software, version control systems, shared file repositories, and communication channels, enabling efficient coordination and fostering effective teamwork.

The Internal Docs section is exclusively accessible to our group members and requires appropriate credentials for login. It provides a secure and organized platform for sharing sensitive information, facilitating internal discussions, and maintaining version control of important documents.

We understand the value of effective internal communication and collaboration in driving our research forward. By centralizing our internal documents and resources in the Internal Docs section, we aim to enhance information sharing, promote transparency, and facilitate seamless collaboration among our group members.

If you are a member of our computational astrophysics group, we encourage you to explore the Internal Docs section for access to important documents, resources, and collaboration tools. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the appropriate contact within our group.

Thank you for utilizing the Internal Docs section as a vital resource for our computational astrophysics group. Together, we can leverage these internal resources and collaboration tools to propel our research endeavors and drive advancements in the field of computational astrophysics.