
We proudly showcase the collective scientific contributions of our
computational astrophysics group.

Here you will find an extensive compilation of our group's research publications, illuminating the diverse range of topics and discoveries we have made within the field of astrophysics.

Publications list here.

The Group Publications tab serves as a comprehensive repository of our group's research output, including peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, book chapters, and other scholarly works. These publications represent the culmination of our rigorous investigations, innovative methodologies, and the collaborative efforts of our talented team.

Within this tab, you will discover detailed information about each publication, including authors, titles, abstracts, and citation metrics. We encourage you to explore these publications to gain insights into the profound questions we seek to answer, the methodologies we employ, and the significant contributions we have made to the field of computational astrophysics.

Our publications cover a broad spectrum of astrophysical phenomena, spanning cosmology, galactic dynamics and structure, interstellar medium, star formation, and proto-planetary discs. Each publication represents a significant milestone in our quest to deepen our understanding of the universe, shedding light on its complexities and unraveling its mysteries.

As a group, we are committed to disseminating our research findings and sharing our knowledge with the scientific community and beyond. The Group Publications tab serves as a testament to our dedication to scholarly excellence, offering a comprehensive collection of our group's contributions to the evolving landscape of astrophysics.

We strive to maintain an up-to-date repository of our publications, regularly adding our latest findings to keep you abreast of our ongoing research endeavors. We invite you to explore the Group Publications tab, delve into the wealth of knowledge contained within, and discover the groundbreaking research conducted by our computational astrophysics group.

Please note that while some publications may be freely accessible, others may require appropriate subscriptions or access permissions. If you encounter any difficulties accessing a publication or require further information, please feel free to reach out to us, and we will be delighted to assist you.

Thank you for visiting the Group Publications section of our webpage. We hope that our publications inspire curiosity, foster scientific discourse, and contribute to the collective understanding of the extraordinary universe we inhabit.